
Chocolate-Banana "Milk" Shake

Confession: When I was pregnant I loved blending bananas and chocolate milk as a shake snack. I <3 chocolate. A lot. I also <3 bananas (not quite as much). However, pregnant or not, it's probably not a good idea to indulge in this very often. My light substitute? Chocolate soymilk. Wait! Don't walk away! Even if you're not fooled by the soymilk when drinking it alone, I still think you should try this. Adding the banana really adds a creamy, thick and sweet element to it. I hope you enjoy it!

Chocolate-Banana "Milk" Shake

3/4 cup light chocolate soymilk
1 medium banana

Blend! :) It's an easy pick-me-up! Although, if you have time and you want it to be really cold, put the banana in the fridge for a half hour before blending to make a very cold shake.


  1. Alright I feel stupid asking this....but what does soymilk taste like???

  2. I don't really like the plain soymilk, but the chocolate flavor is very chocolatey and delicious. :) You could do the same recipe with chocolate almond milk if you prefer. Enjoy!
